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The Power of Bravery and Curiosity - Lessons from Socrates for Founders and Leaders

What can a Greek philosopher possibly have to help today's business leaders and founders? Just a few things in fact: Curiosity, bravery, the willingness to grasp change and pick yourself up when things go wrong or when you feel stuck.

Here we explore what Socrates can teach us about luck versus bravery, creating our own opportunities and being a brave leader.

How often have you been told: “You’re so lucky” when you make a bold change or decision?

  • You’re so lucky to be doing what you love.

  • You're so lucky to be your own boss.

  • You’re so lucky to have grown so fast.

  • You’re so lucky to have secured funding.

It's a pattern I've noticed throughout my life from friends who feel stuck in jobs they don't love, or who dream about turning their side hustle into a business. From when I went freelance after my first baby was born 21 years ago, to when I launched a food events business that got regular national media coverage and when I fulfilled a lifelong dream to live to Bristol and moved on last year from one side of the country to the other.

But is it really luck? Or is it something else—bravery, curiosity, tenacity and a willingness to embrace change?

Not one of these transitions in my personal or professional life has been handed to me on a plate. They've not been easy. But something drove me forward . . .

Socrates said:

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”

Every time I’ve faced a crossroads—whether it was moving, starting a business, retraining as a coach - I could have focused on the obstacles and the reasons not to do it. Instead, I focused on what I was creating: a new chapter, new friendships, new experiences, and new opportunities.

What is it that keeps some people moving forward, even in uncertainty?

Luck vs. Leadership

Successful leaders and founders don’t wait for luck to guide them—they take action. They stay curious, ask better questions, and step into uncertainty. Yet, when they make bold decisions, others often see it as luck rather than intentional effort.

Socrates said:

“Wonder is the beginning of wisdom.”

Curiosity is a leadership superpower. The best leaders don’t just accept things as they are; they challenge assumptions, explore new possibilities, and ask: What if? instead of What if it goes wrong?

The Courage to Do Something New

For leaders, especially in startups and scale-ups, this is critical. Growth requires constant adaptation. The best leaders focus on what they can create, not on what's behind them or what's holding them back.

How often do we resist change because we focus on the risks, rather than the opportunities? True leadership isn’t about avoiding fear—it’s about moving forward despite it.

The Courage to Fail

Of course, not everything goes to plan. Sometimes we make the wrong decision, fail at something, or fall flat on our faces. But that’s not failure—staying stuck is. Socrates reminds us:

“Falling down is not a failure. Failure comes when you stay where you’ve fallen.”

True resilience in leadership (and in life) is about getting back up, learning from the experience, and continuing forward. The most successful founders, leaders, and entrepreneurs don’t get everything right; they just refuse to let setbacks define them.

Socrates' wisdom is valuable for leaders:

  • Know Thyself: Great leadership starts with self-awareness. Examine your mindset, strengths, and blind spots.

  • Avoid Busyness: Socrates warned: “Beware the barrenness of a busy life.” Founders wear multiple hats, but being constantly busy doesn’t mean being effective.

  • Lead by Example: “True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing.” Admitting you don’t have all the answers fosters a culture of learning and innovation.

  • Think for Yourself: “To find yourself, think for yourself.” Challenge industry norms, avoid negative self-talk, and focus on what’s possible.

  • Set Goals with Reflection: Define a clear vision, take bold steps, and regularly reflect on progress.

Making Your Own Luck as a Leader

So if you feel stuck in a job you don't love, or stuck as a leader in a business facing significant challenges, be curious and brave. Ask yourself:

  • What if I tried?

  • What if this changes everything?

Socrates believed that questioning leads to growth and opportunity. Luck isn’t random—it’s about staying curious, asking better questions, and putting yourself in situations where opportunities can arise.

If Socrates was right when he said, “The unexamined life is not worth living,” then the most courageous thing we can do is to keep questioning, keep evolving, and keep stepping into the unknown.

That’s where growth happens. That’s where the so-called 'luck' happens

If you're feeling stuck or want support to be brave and make bold decisions, I’m here to help you discover your courage and curiosity.

Get in touch to chat about how Coaching can support you with your next bold move.

Call Polly 07966 475195 / email

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Leadership, Tips & Advice Polly Robinson Leadership, Tips & Advice Polly Robinson

Why Trust is Essential for Fast-Growth Businesses

Trust is the glue that holds businesses together. When trust is high, people feel safe to take risks, express themselves freely, and innovate. In fast-paced, high-growth businesses, trust keeps teams focused and cohesive through rapid change and uncertainty.

We explore why trust matters and how to build and maintain it as you grow.

Early in my career, I was the third employee of an ambitious, fast-growing start-up. In the beginning, the atmosphere was electric—we were all highly motivated and committed to the success of the business, putting in the long hours to prove it. But after two years, things started to change. The founders became more distant, often out at meetings we knew nothing about or spotted whispering in corners.

What was going on?

We began to feel nervous about the lack of transparency. We imagined the worst—had we run out of money, were we facing redundancies or closure? We felt cut off when until then, we had all been involved in everything.

Rumours started spreading. Morale dropped, collaboration faltered, and people were stressed and grumpy with each other. Without trust and transparency, motivation and focus disappeared, and we suffered personally and as a business.

The Trust Challenge for Scaling Businesses

In the early days of a business, founders are involved in nearly every aspect of operations. This hands-on approach is natural—it reflects a driven, detail-oriented leader dedicated to getting the company off the ground. In small teams, relationships are close, communication flows, and people feel directly connected to decision-making and the company’s success.

But as a company scales, the dynamic changes. Founders must evolve from being ‘doers’ to leaders. They must let go of being involved in every decision and trust their managers and teams to take ownership. At the same time, founders must ensure that trust flows both ways—that their people believe in their vision, decision-making, and integrity.

Building trust in remote and hybrid teams requires even more effort since you lose the natural, organic moments of connection that happen in an office.

When trust is broken on either side, bottlenecks form, frustration rises, innovation stalls and collaboration suffers. It’s one of the toughest transitions for growing businesses.

Why Trust Matters in Leadership

Trust is the glue that holds businesses together. When trust is high, people feel safe to take risks, express themselves freely, and innovate. It can be hard to build and easy to damage.

In fast-paced, high-growth businesses, trust keeps teams focused and cohesive through rapid change and uncertainty.

Companies with high trust levels have:

  • More engaged people

  • Higher retention rates

  • Stronger collaboration

  • Faster innovation cycles

  • Higher productivity and profitability

According to Harvard Business Review, people at high-trust companies report:

  • 74% less stress

  • 106% more energy at work

  • 50% higher productivity

  • 13% fewer sick days

  • 76% more engagement

  • 29% more satisfaction with their lives

  • 40% less burnout

So, how can leaders build and maintain trust, particularly in fast-growing businesses?

Practical Steps to Build a Culture of Trust

1. Communicate with Transparency and Consistency

Lack of transparency is one of the biggest killers of trust. Leaders should provide regular updates on company goals, challenges, and key decisions.

  • Share the ‘why’ behind decisions to build understanding and buy-in.

  • Avoid sugar-coating problems—honest communication builds credibility.

  • Communicate in various ways - don’t rely on email or Teams, but talk to people face to face or by video in one-to-ones, team meetings and town halls to keep everyone informed.

  • Make an effort to know people beyond work conversations—pulling people into discussions fosters engagement and trust.

  • Actively encourage feedback and open dialogue. People should feel comfortable voicing their opinions without fear of backlash.

2. Build Personal Connections

  • Dedicate time for casual check-ins (not just work-related conversations).

  • Encourage people to get to know each other as human beings through work socials, having lunch together rather than at your desk, providing breakfast once a week and other ways to have fun together.

  • Show empathy by treating people as human beings - remember we're all unique and have different needs, personality profiles and lives outside work.

3. Lead with Consistency and Integrity

One of the most common ways trust is broken is when reality doesn’t match up to the purpose and values on the wall. Lead by example:

  • Follow through on commitments—people lose faith in leaders who don’t deliver on their promises.

  • It’s ok to not have all the answers — but have confidence in decision-making and be honest when you don’t have the answer.

  • Be fair—ensure equal access to growth opportunities and development for all team members. Make sure people working remotely have the same opportunities to speak up and be heard.

4. Trust Works Both Ways

We often think of trust as something people must have in leadership, but it goes both ways. As a leader, it’s not just about being trusted—it’s also about showing trust in your team.

  • Avoid micromanaging. Trust your people to get their work done and make decisions without micromanaging. Focus on outcomes rather than hours logged

  • Remote and hybrid working have changed team dynamics but find ways to keep everyone updated and involved whatever their location.

  • People take cues from leadership behaviour—model the values and behaviours you expect from your team.

5. Give Autonomy and Communicate the ‘Why'

If leaders micromanage or override decisions, people feel undervalued. Empower your team by giving them ownership and responsibility.

  • Explain the bigger picture: “We need X because Y.”

  • Engage people by asking open-ended questions like “How do you think we should approach this?” or “What was the thinking behind this decision?”

  • Help people see how their work aligns with company goals increases their sense of purpose.

6. Actively Listen and Act on Feedback

  • Create a culture where feedback is not only encouraged but acted upon.

  • Have regular check-ins, team meetings and one-to-ones to gauge how people are feeling.

  • Act on feedback and communicate changes based on team input.

  • Create psychological safety so people feel comfortable raising concerns

7. Be Vulnerable and Authentic

Leaders who admit mistakes, acknowledge uncertainties, and share their challenges create psychological safety. Showing vulnerability isn’t about weakness—it’s about authenticity.

  • Share lessons from past mistakes and areas for development.

  • Demonstrate humility and encourage people to do the same, creating a culture of learning rather than fear.

8. Create a Feedback-Driven Culture and Show Appreciation

  • Make feedback frequent, constructive, and two-way.

  • Ask for feedback as well as giving it to show that you value people' voices. e.g. "How can I support you better?”

  • Recognition and appreciation go a long way—thank people in public for their contributions.

Addressing Trust Challenges in Scaling Businesses

Scaling and fast growth - growing teams, shifting priorities, and a less cohesive culture bring unique trust-related challenges. Be proactive in maintaining trust through:

  • Strong Onboarding: Make sure new people integrate into the culture quickly and understand company values.

  • Clarity During Change: Frequent shifts in strategy can erode trust. Clearly communicate changes and the reasoning behind them.

  • Cross-functional Collaboration: As teams grow, silos can form. Encourage collaboration and relationship-building across departments.

Trust isn’t built overnight. It’s a daily practice shaped by small decisions—how leaders communicate, how they react to mistakes, and how they empower their teams.

For founders and leaders in scaling businesses, the shift from ‘doing’ to ‘leading’ is one of the hardest but most necessary transitions. The businesses that thrive are those where leadership trusts their teams to execute the vision, and in return, people trust that leadership has their best interests at heart.

Ask yourself: What am I doing today to build trust in my team?

If you want to strengthen trust in your team, Growth Space can help. Through tailored workshops, away days, leadership development programmes and coaching, we support leaders in creating open, high-trust environments where teams feel empowered, engaged, and aligned with your business goals. Get in touch to explore how we can design a program that fits your team’s unique needs.

Contact Polly: Call 07966 475195

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How I Learned to Balance Strategic Objectives with Leading People

Leadership isn’t about doing everything—it’s about creating an environment where everyone can succeed. And at the heart of this is alignment with strategic objectives - suring leaders and teams are focused on the right KPIS and metrics.

When I first stepped into a marketing leadership role at an international management consultancy, I thought my job was to have all the answers. Every day, I’d roll up my sleeves, jumping from problem to problem, managing events, overseeing campaigns, and troubleshooting for my team. I believed that being in the thick of it made me a better leader—a “hands-on” approach I thought my team needed.

But something wasn’t working. My days were consumed by firefighting, leaving little time to plan for the future. My team became dependent on me for every decision, and I could see their creativity and confidence starting to fade. Meanwhile, the business wasn’t moving forward as fast as it could. We were busy, but we weren’t effective.

It wasn’t until I paused to reflect that I realised the problem: I was too focused on managing the day-to-day and not enough on leading. I needed to step back, empower my team, and focus on the bigger picture. Over time, I learned to think strategically, set clear KPIs, and ensure our team objectives were aligned with the business goals. It wasn’t an overnight change, but the results were worth it—our business grew, and my team flourished as they took greater ownership of their roles.

Leadership isn’t about doing everything

This experience taught me a powerful lesson: leadership isn’t about doing everything—it’s about creating an environment where everyone can succeed and at the heart of this is alignment: ensuring leaders and teams are focused on the right objectives and metrics.

The Case for KPI Alignment in Leadership

In any organisation, aligning leadership with strategic objectives and KPIs isn’t just a “nice-to-have”—it’s a business imperative. According to research by Harvard Business Review, organisations with clearly aligned goals are 2.8 times more likely to perform in the top quartile of their industry and Gallup reports that only 22% of employees strongly agree their leaders have a clear direction for the organisation.

When leaders fail to align their efforts with KPIs:

  • Strategic goals are derailed: Teams work hard but may focus on the wrong priorities.

  • Performance stagnates: Without clarity on what success looks like, teams become disengaged and ineffective.

  • Growth is stifled: Companies risk missing opportunities because leaders are too immersed in operational details to see the big picture.

Conversely, leaders who align their strategy with KPIs and performance measures create clarity, accountability, and momentum—key drivers of business success.

From the Weeds to the Gallery

One of the most significant shifts a leader can make is to get out of the weeds of everyday management and step “up into the gallery,” a metaphor borrowed from performance arts. In the gallery, leaders can observe the full stage, understand the interplay of various parts, and direct their teams with greater purpose and clarity.

Here’s how leaders can bridge the gap between operational overwhelm and strategic alignment:

1. Strategic Thinking

Leaders must develop the ability to think critically about long-term objectives and anticipate challenges. Strategic thinking isn’t innate for everyone, but it can be cultivated through reflective practices, scenario planning, and learning from other industries.

The impact: Leaders who think strategically can set a clear vision and prioritize initiatives that drive growth and scale.

2. Goal Alignment

Research by McKinsey highlights that when employees understand how their work connects to organizational goals, productivity increases by 20-25%. Leaders must ensure that team objectives align with business strategy, creating a sense of shared purpose.

The impact: Teams working toward aligned goals are more cohesive, motivated, and efficient.

3. Data-Driven Decisions

In scaling organisations, KPIs are critical for measuring progress and maintaining accountability. But, these metrics must be meaningful and actionable—leaders must understand which indicators truly drive performance.

The impact: Clarity around KPIs enables teams to focus on high-impact activities, accelerating growth and improving results.

4. Influence and Engagement

A leader’s ability to inspire and motivate is directly linked to their team’s performance. Studies by Gallup show that highly engaged teams are 23% more profitable than disengaged ones. Leaders who can effectively influence and persuade others ensure that teams stay committed and enthusiastic about achieving their goals.

The impact: Higher engagement leads to better retention, innovation, and productivity.

5. Emotional Intelligence and Feedback

A business’s success hinges on its people. Leaders with strong emotional intelligence foster a culture of trust and collaboration, while those who create a feedback-rich environment drive continuous improvement.

The impact: Teams that feel supported and valued are more resilient and adaptive, essential qualities for navigating growth and change.

Why Investing in Leadership Development Directly Impacts KPIs, Not Just “Soft Skills”

Recently I’ve been speaking to the CEO of a global business that had never invested in leadership development, I was met with skepticism. He considered leadership training as a focus on "soft skills" and questioned its value, especially in a high-pressure environment where revenue growth was the priority. His focus was on hitting ambitious KPIs, and he didn’t instantly see how improving communication, emotional intelligence, or strategic thinking would translate into measurable business results. But we delved deeper into the challenges leaders face—teams working in silos, managers overwhelmed by day-to-day operations, and missed opportunities for innovation, it became clear that leadership isn't just about managing people; it's about aligning teams with strategic objectives and equipping them to drive results. The ROI, as I explained, lies in better performance, engaged teams, and a business poised for sustainable growth.

Leading the Path Forward

As businesses scale and revenue KPIs loom large, it’s tempting for leaders to double down on operational management. But true success lies in stepping back, focusing on strategic alignment, and leading with purpose.

The journey isn’t always easy. It requires intentional effort, a willingness to learn, and a commitment to growth—not just for the business but for the leaders themselves. When leaders rise above the daily grind and align their efforts with the organization’s strategic goals, the results can be transformational: empowered teams, accelerated growth, and a stronger, more sustainable business.

Are you ready to align your leadership with your business goals?

Let’s work together to get you out of the weeds and into the gallery. Get in touch >

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Why Leaders are the Key to a Positive Culture and Engaged Teams

Many years ago, I found myself in a business where the culture of the team I was working with was slowly deteriorating. We were delivering our projects and clients were satisfied, but the energy and motivation were low and getting lower.

That’s when it hit me that if you don’t intentionally shape your culture, it will form by accident—and often not in the way you want.

As leaders, we set the tone for everything in our organizations. Culture, engagement, feedback, and conflict resolution don’t just happen—they need to be nurtured and intentionally built...


Years ago, I found myself in a business where the culture was slowly deteriorating. We were delivering results and clients were satisfied, but the energy and motivation were low and getting lower.

We were starting to forget WHY we were there.... and lose connection with our PURPOSE. It wasn’t just the lack of team energy that worried me—it was the sense that the leadership team had lost sight of our purpose and the values and behaviours shared in the handbook. This became a red flag for me because I’ve always believed that people are the heart of any business. Without a motivated and engaged team, no matter how much we push for results, we’ll eventually hit a wall.

The turning point came when I had an open conversation with one of the team members. She told me that although she enjoyed the work, she didn’t feel like her contributions were truly valued. That’s when it hit me: employee engagement isn’t just about hitting KPIs—it’s about creating a workplace where people feel valued and understood.

Over the years, I’ve learned that creating a positive workplace culture requires constant effort, but it’s the key to ensuring long-term success for any business.

If you don’t intentionally shape your culture, it will form by accident—and often not in the way you want.

Gallup’s 2023 State of the Global Workplace Report found that only 1 in 5 employees in the UK are actively engaged at work, and this disengagement is costing businesses up to £340 billion annually. So, what’s the solution? It's about building a culture where employees feel connected, empowered, and motivated. A positive workplace culture leads to higher engagement, greater innovation, and ultimately, improved results.

Creating a thriving culture and nurturing engagement isn’t just a "nice-to-have"—it’s essential to your business’s success. Research consistently shows that companies that invest in building a positive work culture see increased productivity, lower turnover, and stronger financial performance.

Research from CIPD highlights that organizations with a well-defined culture have 27% lower turnover rates and engaged employees are 21% more productive than their disengaged counterparts.

So how do we create and sustain that culture? It starts with clear values and shared goals.

It doesn’t happen by accident—it requires intentional effort from leadership to align the company’s values, practices, and feedback systems. According to McKinsey & Company, companies that focus on organizational culture outperform their peers by competing on values and fostering an inclusive environment.

What’s at Stake?

  • Employee Retention: High engagement drives loyalty. Employees who feel connected to their company’s culture and mission are 87% less likely to leave (Gallup).

  • Customer Satisfaction: Happy, engaged employees are more likely to deliver exceptional customer service, resulting in higher customer satisfaction and increased revenue.

  • Innovation & Growth: A culture of trust and openness encourages employees to share ideas, contributing to better problem-solving and innovation. Companies with high levels of engagement experience 14% higher productivity and 30% greater profitability (Gallup)

4 Key Actions to Build a Thriving Culture

1. Define Your Culture and Values Clearly

A positive workplace culture doesn’t happen by accident—it requires clarity and direction from leadership. Set clear, actionable values that guide your team. These values should be embedded into everything from recruitment to decision-making. Google famously encourages employees to "be radically transparent," which has led to a culture of openness and trust. Define what works for your organization and commit to living these values every day.

Action Tip: Host a team workshop to collaboratively define your company’s core values and make sure everyone understands and aligns with them.

2. Foster a Feedback Culture

Feedback is essential for development, but it has to be constructive and consistent. Radical Candor, as described by Kim Scott, is one approach that encourages leaders to “care personally and challenge directly.” It’s about fostering a space where feedback can be given and received without fear of judgment, making team members feel empowered to share their ideas and improve their performance.

Action Tip: Set regular feedback sessions and encourage a two-way dialogue where team members feel comfortable sharing feedback about their work and the environment.

3. Encourage Open Communication

Creating an open and transparent communication channel within your team is crucial for trust and engagement. Leaders who share information and listen to their employees create a culture of inclusivity. Gallup reports that organizations with open communication practices experience 47% higher total returns to shareholders. Encourage regular one-on-ones and town hall meetings where employees can ask questions and discuss ideas.

Action Tip: Implement a monthly “Ask Me Anything” session where employees can raise any topic, allowing leadership to listen and respond openly.

4. Address Conflict with Care

Workplace conflict is inevitable, but how you handle it will shape your culture. Unresolved conflict can fester and affect morale, while well-managed conflict can lead to improved understanding and stronger collaboration. Use mediation techniques, encourage a win-win approach, and create a safe space where differing opinions are viewed as opportunities for growth.

Action Tip: Offer conflict resolution training for managers to help them identify the root causes of conflict and address issues proactively.

The Role of Leadership in Building Culture

As a leader, you play a critical role in shaping the culture of your team. Your actions set the tone for how values are lived out and how employees engage with one another. But creating and sustaining a thriving culture is not a one-time effort. It requires consistent commitment and continuous improvement. CIPD research highlights that organizations with strong cultures are 27% more likely to retain employees and are better positioned to adapt in times of change.

It’s not just about offering perks or creating a fun work environment—it’s about nurturing the environment where your team can flourish. Remember, culture isn’t something that’s automatically positive or negative—it’s what you make of it.

Final Thoughts

It’s easy to overlook the power of culture and engagement in the whirlwind of day-to-day operations. But taking time to focus on these areas isn’t a luxury—it’s an investment. By defining your culture, fostering feedback, and addressing conflict thoughtfully, you’re setting up your team—and your business—for success. You’ll find that when your team is truly engaged, the results speak for themselves.

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Help Your Team Manage Stress and Build Resilience: 10 Tips for Leaders

Stress is inevitable, the world is full of change and uncertainty, and it’s a challenge we all face. As leaders your people’s wellbeing and helping them to manage stress and build resilience, or inner strength, is no longer a tick box exercise, it’s essential.

Read our guide for leaders to support your people and create healthier individuals and also to a stronger, more resilient team.

Stress is inevitable, the world is full of change and uncertainty, and it’s a challenge we all face - at work and at home. As leaders your people’s wellbeing and helping them to manage stress and build resilience, or inner strength, is no longer a tick box exercise, it’s essential.

With the right tools and support, stress can be managed effectively, leading not only to healthier individuals but also to a stronger, more resilient team.

1. Understanding Pressure vs. Stress

It’s essential to recognise the difference between pressure and stress. Like Goldilocks, the goal is to find “just right” pressure—not too little and not too much.

  • Productive Pressure: When managed well, pressure can keep us focused and motivated. In the right amount, it enhances performance.

  • Excessive Pressure: If it becomes overwhelming, however, pressure crosses into stress, leading to fatigue, irritability, and decreased performance.

Actionable Tips: 

Encourage team members to recognise when they feel engaged and focused rather than tense or overwhelmed. Set Short, Manageable Goals to maintain a sense of progress and keep pressure in check. Smaller goals can keep productivity high without overwhelming the team. Remind your team to take short, refreshing breaks to recalibrate during peak pressure periods. Simple actions like stepping outside or taking a few deep breaths can prevent the shift from pressure into stress.

2. Acknowledge and Accept Your Emotions

When you feel stress building, could you take a moment to acknowledge it. Awareness of how you feel physically and emotionally helps you address stress before it becomes overwhelming.

  • Recognise the Signs: Pay attention to physical cues like a racing heartbeat or shallow breathing. These are your body’s “check engine” lights.

  • Pause for Perspective: Rather than reacting instantly, pause and reflect. Ask yourself, “Will this matter a month from now? What would my wisest friend advise?” This bird’s-eye view can provide much-needed clarity.

Actionable Tips:

Encourage team members to identify and name their emotions (e.g., “I feel anxious” or “I’m frustrated”). Research shows that labelling emotions reduces intensity, helping you feel more in control. Use Reflective Questions: Teach your team to ask themselves reflective questions when stressed. For instance, “What’s in my control here?” or “What would help me feel calmer?” This promotes a more balanced response rather than an immediate reaction.

3. Lead with Empathy

Being an empathetic leader is one of the most powerful ways to build resilience. When leaders take the time to understand each team member's unique challenges and stressors, it can make a significant difference in how they approach their work. Empathy builds trust and shows your team that they’re valued beyond their productivity.

Actionable Tip:

Use empathy in your day-to-day interactions by actively listening and offering tailored support when challenges arise. Sometimes, a quick conversation or a kind word can make all the difference.

4. Foster Open Communication

One of the best ways to help your team manage stress is to create a culture of open, honest communication. This starts with you, the leader, being transparent and approachable. Encourage your team to share their concerns, listen actively, and respond with empathy. When employees feel they can talk openly about challenges without judgment, they are more likely to address issues proactively, reducing stress in the long run.

Actionable Tips:

Start meetings with a brief personal update to set an example. When leaders share openly, team members feel more comfortable doing the same. Implement “Psychological Safety” Rules by establishing norms where everyone feels they can voice concerns without fear of judgment. One simple rule is, “All questions are good questions.” Reinforce that it’s okay to ask for help or say, “I don’t understand.”

Schedule informal one-on-one check-ins every few weeks to provide a safe space for team members to share any stressors or workload concerns. Actively listen, empathize, and brainstorm ways to address any challenges they bring up.

5. Encourage Work-Life Balance

While productivity is essential, balance is key to long-term success. Constant work without adequate rest can lead to burnout, so it's important to encourage breaks, time off, and healthy boundaries between work and personal life.

Actionable Tip:

Model work-life balance yourself by setting boundaries. For example, avoid sending emails after work hours, and use your vacation days. When your team sees you prioritise balance, they are more likely to do the same.

6. Give Your Team with Stress Management Tools

Resilience isn’t just about bouncing back; it’s about having the right tools to cope with challenges in real-time. Offering workshops or providing resources on stress management techniques like mindfulness, time management, and exercise can help your team develop skills to handle stress effectively.

Actionable Tip:

Organise a monthly wellness day or provide access to resources like meditation apps or fitness classes. Small investments in well-being can go a long way in helping employees manage stress.

7. Recognise and Reward Efforts

When people feel appreciated, they are more engaged and motivated. Recognition can be a powerful way to mitigate stress and build resilience. Celebrating successes, even small ones, helps create a positive work environment and reinforces a sense of purpose.

Actionable Tip:

Develop a simple system for celebrating achievements, such as a monthly shout-out in team meetings or a “thank you” board in the office. Positive reinforcement promotes a culture of support and resilience.

8. Build a Sense of Team Unity

Teams that support one another through tough times are more resilient. Fostering strong team bonds encourages employees to lean on one another for support, which can alleviate individual stress levels.

Actionable Tip:

Schedule team-building activities that align with your team’s interests, whether that’s a casual lunch, a team sports day, or a virtual trivia night. A unified team handles stress more effectively and comes together to support each other in times of need.

9. Encourage Flexibility

Allowing flexibility can reduce stress by giving employees some control over how and when they work best. This could mean flexible hours, remote work options, or allowing team members to switch tasks based on energy and focus levels.

Actionable Tip:

Consider implementing “focus hours” where employees can work uninterrupted or allow flexible start and end times for those who may be balancing work with other responsibilities.

10. Provide Learning and Development Opportunities

Learning opportunities can help employees feel empowered and equipped to handle challenges. When team members have room to grow and develop new skills, they’re more resilient in the face of change and better prepared to manage stress.

Actionable Tip: Start with my free online workshop How to Cope with Stress & Build Resilience.
Join this workshop to discover practical tools to strengthen your resilience and support your teams. We'll delve into:
🌿 What is Wellness
🌪️ Distinguishing Pressure from Stress
🚦 Establishing Healthy Boundaries and Habits
🌟 Overcoming Overwhelm
🌱 Cultivating Resilience
🧘 How to support your team


This workshop can also be tailored to run for teams and organisations in-person or virtually.

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Empathy in Leadership: A Guide to Emotional Intelligence

In today’s fast-paced, ever-evolving workplace, leaders are expected to do more than just technical experts, they are required to understand, inspire, and connect with their teams on a human level. This is why emotional intelligence (EQ) and empathy are essential skills. Empathy fosters trust, collaboration, and resilience, and enabling leaders to navigate the complexities of human behaviour.

Empathy in Leadership A Guide to Emotional Intelligence

In today’s fast-paced, ever-evolving workplace, leaders are expected to do more than just technical experts, they are required to understand, inspire, and connect with their teams on a human level. This is why emotional intelligence (EQ) and empathy are essential skills. Empathy fosters trust, collaboration, and resilience, and enabling leaders to navigate the complexities of human behaviour.

As psychologist Daniel Goleman said,

“What really matters for success, character, happiness and lifelong achievements is a definite set of emotional skills—your EQ—not just purely cognitive abilities that are measured by conventional IQ tests.”

But what exactly is emotional intelligence, and how does empathy fit into the picture?

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence, often referred to as EQ (emotional quotient), is the ability to recognise, understand, and manage both your own emotions and the emotions of others. It's a skill set that allows leaders to connect with their teams on a more personal level, improving communication, reducing conflict, and boosting team morale. EQ consists of five key components:

  1. Self-awareness – Understanding your own emotions, strengths, and limitations.

  2. Self-regulation – Managing your emotions, especially in stressful or challenging situations.

  3. Motivation – Maintaining drive and optimism, even in the face of setbacks.

  4. Empathy – Recognising and understanding the emotions of others.

  5. Social skills – Building and managing relationships, effectively communicating, and resolving conflicts.

While all five components are important, empathy plays a unique role in leadership by directly influencing how you interact with others. Empathetic leaders can put themselves in their people's shoes, to better understand their concerns, motivations, and challenges. This creates a more supportive and inclusive work environment.

Why Emotional Intelligence and Empathy Matter in Leadership

Stronger Relationships

Leaders with high emotional intelligence foster open communication and trust. They understand the importance of making genuine connections with their team, which helps create a collaborative and supportive culture. Teams led by emotionally intelligent leaders tend to feel more valued and are therefore more engaged and motivated to perform well.

Improved Decision-Making

Emotional intelligence enables leaders to make well-rounded decisions that consider not just the facts but also the emotions and perspectives of others. This allows them to take a more holistic view of situations, resulting in better decisions that are more likely to be embraced by the team.

Better Conflict Resolution

When conflict arises, emotionally intelligent leaders use their empathy and social skills to navigate the situation calmly and fairly. They can step back, manage their own emotional reactions, and understand the emotions of those involved. This results in quicker, more amicable resolutions and prevents tensions from escalating.

Increased Employee Satisfaction

Empathy in leadership leads to a more positive and inclusive workplace culture. Employees are more likely to stay loyal to leaders who understand their needs and support their growth. When team members feel seen and heard, their job satisfaction and productivity rise.

Resilience in Tough Times

Leaders face challenges daily, from managing tight deadlines to navigating company crises. Emotionally intelligent leaders are better equipped to handle these challenges, remaining calm under pressure while providing steady support to their teams. Their empathy allows them to acknowledge the stress their team may be experiencing and respond with compassion.

How to become an emotionally intelligent leader

The great news is that emotional intelligence and empathy aren’t fixed traits—they can be developed and strengthened with intentional practice. Here’s how you can enhance these skills:

1. Cultivate Self-Awareness

The first step in developing emotional intelligence is to become more aware of your own emotions and how they influence your behaviour. Regularly check in with yourself: How are you feeling? How are these feelings impacting your decisions and interactions with others? Journaling or meditation can be helpful tools for increasing self-awareness.

2. Practice Active Listening

Listening is a core component of empathy. When a team member is speaking to you, give them your full attention. Avoid interrupting or planning your response while they are talking. Instead, focus on understanding their perspective and feelings. After they’ve finished speaking, paraphrase what they said to ensure you’ve fully understood.

3. Manage Your Emotions

Emotional regulation is crucial in leadership. Practice techniques that help you stay calm in stressful situations, whether that’s taking deep breaths, stepping away for a few moments, or reframing your thoughts. Leaders who can manage their emotions effectively are better at making thoughtful decisions and avoiding emotional reactions that could harm team dynamics.

4. Show Empathy in Action

Empathy isn’t just about understanding—it’s about acting on that understanding. If a team member is struggling, offer your support. This could mean helping them re-prioritise tasks, offering additional resources, or simply giving them a listening ear. Small actions that show you care about your team’s well-being can have a big impact.

5. Provide Constructive Feedback with Care

Feedback is a critical part of leadership, but it’s important to deliver it in a way that’s constructive and compassionate. Consider how the other person might feel and frame your feedback in a way that encourages growth rather than defensiveness. Balancing honesty with empathy helps maintain trust and respect in your relationships.

6. Build Emotional Resilience

Developing emotional intelligence doesn’t mean you won’t experience negative emotions—it means you’ll be better equipped to handle them. Building emotional resilience involves recognising your emotional triggers and practising self-regulation techniques, so you’re prepared to navigate challenges and stress without becoming overwhelmed.

7. Encourage Empathy in Your Team

As a leader, you have the opportunity to model and foster empathy within your team. Encourage team members to understand each other’s perspectives, whether during a disagreement or while collaborating on a project. Empathy within the team enhances collaboration, creativity, and mutual respect.

The Benefits of Leading with Emotional Intelligence and Empathy

When leaders prioritise emotional intelligence and empathy, they create workplaces where people feel understood, valued, and motivated. In the long run, this leads to:

  • Increased employee retention: Team members are more likely to stay loyal to empathetic leaders.

  • Higher team performance: A supportive environment allows employees to thrive and perform at their best.

  • Stronger company culture: Emotionally intelligent leadership fosters a culture of trust, respect, and collaboration.

  • Better overall outcomes: When employees feel heard and supported, they are more engaged, productive, and innovative.

Today, leadership demands more than just technical expertise, emotional intelligence and empathy have emerged as crucial qualities for success. These skills enable leaders to build stronger relationships, foster trust, and create a positive and productive work environment.

Leading with emotional intelligence and empathy isn’t just a modern leadership trend—it’s the future of sustainable and effective leadership.

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Building Confidence in Leadership: A Guide to Success

Confidence isn’t an innate trait—it’s built through experience, action, and persistence. Whether you’re overcoming imposter syndrome, facing new challenges, or navigating uncertainty, these strategies will help you build and sustain the confidence needed to lead effectively.

Building Confidence in Leadership: A Guide to Success

Confidence is the foundation of leadership.

It drives decisions, shapes behaviours, and influences how others perceive and respond to you. A confident leader inspires trust, while a lack of confidence can sow seeds of doubt, not only within the leader themselves but also in their team. And here’s the truth: everyone, even the most accomplished leaders, faces moments of self-doubt. The secret lies in how they overcome it and continue moving forward.

Many leaders, especially those newly appointed or taking on greater responsibilities, struggle with imposter syndrome—the persistent feeling that they don’t deserve their position or are not truly qualified. This is more common than you might think, affecting both men and women, and can lead to anxiety, overworking, or perfectionism. However, confidence isn’t something you're born with—it’s a skill you can develop. The good news is that with the right strategies, you can build your leadership confidence and transform self-doubt into self-assurance. Here’s how:

1. Embrace Self-Awareness as Your Foundation

Leadership confidence starts with knowing yourself. Understand your strengths, but also your areas for growth. Self-awareness helps you manage how you react in high-pressure situations, recognise your triggers, and cultivate emotional intelligence. Regular self-reflection will allow you to view challenges as opportunities for growth, not as threats to your capabilities.

Make time to assess your emotional landscape, recognise your values, and understand your personal leadership style. Reflect on past experiences—what were your successes and failures, and what did you learn from both? With heightened self-awareness, you'll not only build confidence but also develop empathy, which is crucial for effective leadership.

2. Leverage Feedback as Fuel

While self-reflection is essential, external feedback provides the full picture. Seek constructive criticism from trusted peers, mentors, or your team. Honest, well-rounded feedback gives you a clearer sense of how you’re perceived, where you excel, and what can be improved. It’s important to create an environment where feedback is welcomed, not feared, so that those around you feel comfortable being honest with you.

Receiving feedback might sometimes be uncomfortable, but view it as a gift. If you take criticism constructively, it will help you grow and reinforce your confidence in the long run.

3. Celebrate Wins

Leaders often focus so much on their next goals that they forget to acknowledge their achievements. Celebrating even small victories will reinforce your belief in your abilities. Write down your successes—whether it’s navigating a tough decision, resolving a team conflict, or landing a key client—and return to this list whenever self-doubt creeps in.

This isn’t about being boastful, but about reminding yourself that you’ve earned your place as a leader. Keeping track of your achievements not only boosts morale but provides a record of the value you bring to the table.

4. Develop a Growth Mindset

Leaders with a growth mindset view challenges and setbacks as learning opportunities. Instead of fearing failure, embrace it as a stepping stone to improvement. This mindset shift is vital for developing leadership confidence because it reframes how you approach risks and decisions. You’ll become more resilient, adaptive, and, ultimately, more confident in handling complex or unfamiliar situations.

Ask yourself after every experience: What did I learn? What could I do differently next time? Continuous learning, both from success and failure, will reinforce that you are always growing and getting better.

5. Prioritise Self-Care and Resilience

Confidence isn’t just a mental game—it’s physical and emotional as well. Leadership roles are demanding, so it’s important to nurture your well-being. Prioritise your health, set clear boundaries to avoid burnout, and give yourself permission to recharge. Physical fitness, mindfulness, and adequate rest aren’t just good habits—they also fuel confidence by giving you the energy and focus to tackle challenges head-on.

Develop resilience by adopting routines that calm and centre you, like regular exercise, meditation, or journaling. Resilience in leadership doesn’t mean avoiding stress—it means bouncing back from adversity with greater strength.

6. Build Trust Through Vulnerability

It might seem counterintuitive, but displaying vulnerability can actually strengthen your leadership. When leaders show they don’t have all the answers or admit to making mistakes, it humanises them and fosters deeper connections with their teams. Admitting when you need help doesn’t weaken your leadership—it shows you’re confident enough to rely on others and value their input.

By being transparent about your challenges, you create a culture where your team feels safe to take risks and be open about their own difficulties. This level of trust builds a stronger, more resilient organisation and ultimately reinforces your leadership confidence.

7. Communicate Assertively, Not Aggressively

Clear, purposeful communication is one of the most powerful tools of a confident leader. Practice assertiveness, which strikes the right balance between passivity and aggression. Assertiveness is about communicating your needs, boundaries, and expectations with respect and clarity.

Learning how to communicate assertively fosters stronger relationships, builds respect, and ensures your voice is heard without causing conflict. When you communicate with conviction, people are more likely to follow your lead.

8. Visualise Success

Visualisation is a powerful tool used by top athletes and leaders alike. Before entering high-pressure situations—whether it’s a crucial presentation, a difficult conversation, or an important decision—take time to visualise success. Imagine yourself performing with confidence and clarity, and mentally rehearse the steps you’ll take.

Visualisation conditions your mind to expect success and can alleviate anxiety or hesitation. By mentally preparing yourself, you’ll enter situations with a clear sense of purpose and self-assurance.

9. Lead with Purpose

Confidence in leadership grows when your actions are aligned with your purpose. Know what drives you—whether it’s making an impact, achieving a long-term vision, or championing a cause. When you lead with purpose, your decisions and actions have deeper meaning, and you’ll inspire greater trust and respect from your team.

Purpose-driven leadership also ensures that your confidence doesn’t come off as arrogance because you’ll be grounded in authenticity and service to others. This kind of leadership inspires loyalty and cultivates a culture where everyone feels empowered to contribute.

10. Learn to Be Comfortable with Discomfort

Leadership often involves making tough decisions, navigating uncertainty, and stepping into unfamiliar territory. The more you embrace discomfort, the more your confidence will grow. It’s in these moments of challenge where real growth occurs. When faced with a difficult decision, remind yourself that no leader has all the answers, and that it’s okay to take calculated risks.

Confidence doesn’t come from avoiding challenges—it comes from overcoming them. Stepping into uncomfortable situations and making decisions despite the unknown will strengthen your leadership muscles over time.

11. Empower Your Team

Finally, a confident leader recognises the importance of empowering others. When you enable your team to take ownership of their work, make decisions, and grow, you not only build their confidence but reinforce your own leadership. A team that feels trusted and valued will reflect that trust back to you.

Delegate responsibilities, mentor your team, and celebrate their achievements. As they grow under your leadership, your own confidence will be reinforced by their progress and success.

Leadership Confidence is learned through experience

Confidence isn’t an innate trait—it’s built through experience, action, and persistence. Whether you’re overcoming imposter syndrome, facing new challenges, or navigating uncertainty, these strategies will help you build and sustain the confidence needed to lead effectively.

Leadership is a journey, and confidence is something you continually develop along the way. By embracing growth, acting with purpose, and empowering those around you, you will not only inspire trust and loyalty but also unlock your own potential as a confident, capable leader.

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Coaching, Leadership Training, Purpose, Tips & Advice Polly Robinson Coaching, Leadership Training, Purpose, Tips & Advice Polly Robinson

How to: Reflective Goal Setting for a Succesful 2024

The end of the year and the festive break is a natural time to pause and reflect on the past year and consider the year ahead, both for you as an individual and for your business and team.  This article explores the benefits of reflective goal setting for both our personal and business success and growth. Read on to find some useful prompts to reflect, grow self-awareness, and clarify your hopes, ambitions and plans for the year ahead.

Reflective Goal Setting for a Succesful 2024 - A How to Guide

The end of the year and the festive break is a natural time to pause and reflect on the past year and consider the year ahead, both for you as an individual and for your business and team. 

Time off work over Christmas is the perfect pause we need to take time to step back from the busyness of our daily lives, to reflect on what is important to us and to set the tone for the year ahead. I encourage you to set aside time to reflect and plan - individually or with your colleagues.

This article explores the benefits of reflective goal setting for both our personal and business success and growth. Read on to find some useful prompts to reflect, grow self-awareness, and clarify your hopes, ambitions and plans for the year ahead.

The power of reflection

Reflection is a powerful tool to find closure on the things that have happened over the last 12 months - personally and professionally.

Reflection isn’t just a retrospective exercise - it will pave the way for setting impactful goals and steering yourself or your businesses toward success in 2024. By increasing your self-awareness, you will be able will be able to move into 2024 stronger and more confident.

As the motivational speaker Ed Foreman says “If we always do what we’ve always done, then we’re going to get what we’ve always got.” So building self-awareness helps to identify patterns that may be keeping you stuck.

Reflecting on everything you have achieved over the last year encourages you (individually or collectively) to celebrate successes. While acknowledging challenges and failures, helps to develop a growth mindset - in other words, to look for opportunities to change and improve.

If there are things that didn’t go so well or that you feel were failures - try to shift your perspective to recognise what you learned from the experience. Changing our perspective allows us to release old patterns, that no longer serve us - try to see things from through fresh eyes. Try not to take the role of victim and things happening TO us, - we can’t control other people, but we can control how we respond. So put yourself in the driving seat, empower yourself and take responsibility for making things happen or making changes in the year ahead.

Once you’re reflected, it’s time to think to the future - dream big and plan your year ahead.

The benefit of setting goals

  • Enhanced Clarity and Focus: Goal setting helps to clarify priorities and focus on achieving them.

  • Adaptability and Resilience: By learning from past experiences, you will become more adaptable and resilient in the face of challenges.

  • Increased Motivation: Clear goals derived from reflection provide motivation and a sense of purpose, driving you and your to perform at their best.

How to reflect on the past and set goals for the future

Change your Perspective

Take yourself out of your usual environment - that’s why using the holiday period is valuable because we are free from the usual pressures of work. If you are doing this exercise for your business and with colleagues - get out of the office - go for a team walk, or go and talk over a coffee or lunch.

Get outdoors 

Personally, I find time outside - walking, running, cycling or just strolling and chatting with a friend, encourages our brains to slow down. It helps us to feel grounded, and gain perspective - reassessing our worries, enabling us to see the bigger picture and recognise what really matters.

Remove Distractions

Create the time and space to do this free of distractions - turn off your phone Focus on your breathing for a few minutes before you start to slow your brain down and bring yourself to the present moment.

Write it down

The process can be a gentle reflective thought process, making notes for yourself or having a discussion with colleagues. I recommend putting pen to paper, it helps to frame the reflections and make your goals concrete. There’s plenty of research that proves that people who write down their goals and objectives are more successful in achieving them.

Business and Team Goals

If you are setting goals for your business or team involve them in the process, and make it a collaborative process to foster a collective commitment. Communicate your grand vision and ask them what theirs is. Agree shared objectives and what everyone’s role is in achieving them. Set milestones and celebrate small successes along the way.

Steps to Reflect and Set Goals for 2024.

  1. Start by reviewing the past year.

  • Reflect on some or all of the following:
    - your personal and family life

    - your career

    - your wellness, work-life balance and how you have looked after your mental and physical health

  • What have been the highlights of your year? 

  • What made you happy this year and when were you happiest?

  • What are you most grateful for?

  • What have been your biggest successes? - try and come up with at least three. 

  • What are you most proud of?

  • How did you achieve these successes? 

  • What’s the biggest risk you took? What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned?

  • Identify Lessons Learned

  • Is there anything that you didn’t achieve or that you feel you failed at?

  • What were the biggest challenges of the year?

  • How did you react and cope in the face of these challenges

  • What have you learned as a result?

  • Is there anything you wish you could have done differently — forgive yourself and leave it behind.

2. Set Goals for 2024

  • Start with the end of in mind - your vision - where would you like to be this time next year? 

  • Dream your biggest dream. If you could wave a magic wand what would you like to happen?

  • What would you like to be celebrating 12 months from now - a new job? A new home? A new business launch?

  • What really matters to you? What gets you out of bed in the morning?

  • What are the things that make you happy and you need to prioritise this year?

  • What should you start doing more of? (e.g. exercising, seeing family, learning something new)

  • What should you do less of? (e.g. kicking a bad habit, being less hard on yourself)

  • What challenges might there be along the way?

  • How can I try to overcome these challenges?

  • Who do you need help from and what other resources might you need?

  • How will you look after your well-being - your mental and physical health? Are there new boundaries or habits you want to establish - e.g. making more time for exercise or eating better, or setting new boundaries e.g. being disciplined about not checking work emails during your time off?

 3. Define Clear Objectives

With the insights gained, define clear, achievable objectives for the upcoming year. These goals should be SMART—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. They should align with the company’s mission and vision, driving growth and progress.

Next write down the specific tasks and actions you need to make these goals happen.

In Summary

  • Use the holidays too make time to unplug, switch off and reflect on the year we’re about to leave behind.

  • Let go of anything that was difficult or challenging, but take what you learned with you.

  • Consider what you want to achieve in the year ahead.

  • Set some time-frames and measures for success.

  • Write it all down somewhere you won’t lose it and pull it out monthly or at least a few times during the year ahead to see how you are getting on.

  • Celebrate the small steps and milestones along the way and don’t be too hard on yourself about things that don’t go to plan.

For more ideas on Reflective Goal Setting have a look at my Tips for 2025 >

My Personal Reflections

As I write this, I have looked back at the goals I set myself on New Year’s Eve last year - many of them have come to fruition - I have established my coaching and leadership development business and have worked with some fantastic individuals and businesses.

I found the courage to resign from a contract that this time last year, was filling me with dread and making me very unhappy, however well paid it was!

I am in the process of buying my own home and moving to Bristol to start a new life.
I have a nearly 365-day streak of learning Spanish on Duolingo!

I supported my son through A-levels and starting university.

I’ve been to dozens of gigs and a handful of music festivals.

And I have spent more time with family, old friends and made lots of new friends too.

Now, I wonder what I’m going to set as my goals for 2024…

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Coaching, Leadership Training, Tips & Advice Polly Robinson Coaching, Leadership Training, Tips & Advice Polly Robinson

How to Cope with Stress

Christmas is inevitably one of the busiest and most stressful periods for people at work and at home. We have tasks to complete tasks, objectives to achieve or just a sense that we need to get things done before the end of the year.

How do you manage stress and build resilience for you and your team? Here are my tips.

How to Cope with Stress

Christmas is inevitably one of the busiest and most stressful periods for people at work and at home. We have tasks to complete tasks, objectives to achieve or just a sense that we need to get things done before the end of the year.

How do you manage stress and build resilience for you and your team?

Pressure versus Stress

It’s important to remember that there is a difference between pressure and stress. Just like Goldilocks, we want ‘just right’ pressure - not too little and not too much.

When there’s no pressure and we aren’t busy enough feeling, we may feel bored, disengaged and undervalued. While we’re in our comfort zone we are just coasting and have the potential to feel apathetic. But when we experience the ‘just right’ level of pressure we feel focused, alert, stimulated, energetic, motivated and engaged.

There’s a fine line between too the ‘just right’ pressure and too much and that tipping point is going to be different for different people. Be aware of that when you’re thinking about your colleagues and staff.

When we feel stressed we start to make mistakes, feel out of control, become irritable, anxious and experience low morale. In time this can cumulate to cause exhaustion, needing time off and ultimately burnout and mental health issues.

As well as the impact on an individual, the business will suffer from increased staff absence and high turnover. The data is well reported elsewhere.

1. Put your own oxygen mask on first

It’s vital to start with yourself, just as on an airplane we are instructed to put our own oxygen mask on first.

We all need to keep an eye on our personal fuel gauge - just as running out of petrol is bad for your car, letting our own wellness tank run on empty is bad for us.

It is normal to feel pressure and even stress for short periods, but it’s important to recognise when it’s too much it and try to build resilience. Resilience is our ability to adapt and bounce back when things are difficult or don’t go as planned. Resilient people don’t dwell on failures; they acknowledge the situation, learn, and then move forward stronger.

2. Pause and accept how you feel

Be aware of how you feel, your emotions and energy levels and be aware of when you are tipping into the strain or stress zone. Recognise any physical symptoms that are your body’s own warning signs - fast heartbeat, short breathing, knotted stomach or poor sleep.

Pause, recognise and accept how you are feeling.
You can’t always choose the situation that is going on around you at home or work and you can’t choose your emotional response, but you can make choices about how you deal with it.

See the big picture
When we feel stressed our brains are hard-wired to overreact, our perceptions can be warped, we might feel that the world is against us and we might respond by going into fight, flight or freeze mode.

Take a bird's eye view - What do you see from up there? Does it look any different? What would your wisest and kindest friend advise you? How much will this matter a month from now? What about next year?

3. Focus on what you can control

Become aware of how much time and energy you spend worrying about things you can’t control or can’t change. This will help to reduce stress, frustration and overwhelm.

Start by writing a list of your worries and stress and then separate them between:

  • Things you can directly control - your own actions or behaviours

  • Things you can influence (in other words you can’t control other people or company-wide decisions but you might be able to influence them)

  • Things that are completely out of your control

If you focus on what is within your control you can shift your attention, be more proactive and productive.

This concept of Circles of Control was popularised by Steven Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

4. Avoid, Alter, Accept Adapt

Once you’ve identified the causes of your stress, you have four options:

  1. AVOID - Know your limits and try to stick to them. If you are asked to take on more than you can manage, or asked to do one too many things, can you learn to say no? It’s not easy to say no, especially if are short-staffed, but can you at least start the conversation and explore reprioritising tasks or reallocating them?

  2. ALTER - if you can’t avoid the pressure or stressful situation, work out what you can do to change it. Sometimes this involves expressing your feelings instead of bottling them up. Be open about your limits. Remember to use "I" statements, as in, "I feel frustrated by being asked to take this on. Is there something we can do to balance things out?" Is there anything you can do to manage your time better? Block out time to focus on specific tasks and try and avoid interruptions, and group certain tasks together into chunks of time.

  3. ADAPT - Can adapt to the pressures by reframing problems and trying to see the positives. What are you grateful for? Let go of perfectionism and recognise when good is good enough.

  4. ACCEPT - Many sources of stress are unavoidable and you just have to accept them and deal with them. If you find that hard, is there someone you can talk to? Sometimes changing your surroundings just for a minute can help break out of a sense of powerlessness. Opening up to someone else can also reduce stress because it helps to distance ourselves from it and gain perspective.

5. Make time to decompress

Make sure you give yourself the time and the space to decompress. When we’re exhausted from work, it’s easy to stop looking after ourselves outside work, especially if you are getting home late at night or if you work from home and there aren't any boundaries.

Use your journey home from work to reflect, think about the good things that happened today, and let go of the difficult things while exploring what could be different next time. Writing stuff down can help to get it out of your head, even if you wake up in the middle of the night worrying about work, use the Notes or reminder function on your phone or carry a good old-fashioned notebook, to write down the things you need to do tomorrow, then let it go until tomorrow.

Make sure you try and make time to rest and relax, do something you enjoy every day whatever that may be for you - from walking your dog or meeting a friend for coffee. Make time to connect with friends and family outside work. Time spent outside and exercising is essential for our wellbeing as is eating well, staying hydrated and good sleep.

It’s not easy to switch off when we are constantly available via email or messages pop up on WhatsApp. Use your phone's “do not disturb functions’ to turn off notifications from work contacts when you’re not in work.

Any small steps you can take will help you to build resilience and cope with stress.

6. Supporting your staff’s wellness

When it comes to your staff, invest time in their wellbeing and create a supportive environment that considers the whole person and treats them as individuals.

On a day-to-day basis encourage positive relationships between colleagues and foster a supportive atmosphere where people are kind to each other and listen and support each other. Doing nice things for other people releases oxytocin which makes you feel good about yourself.

Foster a culture that promotes a good work-life balance. Encourage people to take breaks, leave on time and take their holiday allowance. Promote the importance of self-care: rest, relaxation, exercise, diet and sleep.

Proactively monitor everyone’s workload. Make sure that work is clearly defined, is well-matched to their abilities and that deadlines are acceptable.

If you work on a shift/rota basis: Strive to get staffing levels and rotas right, try to ensure rotas are fair and considerate to everyone, especially during the busy and sometimes unpredictable Christmas season - it’s the key to maintaining a happy and motivated workforce.

Provide rotas as far ahead as possible so that people can plan and enjoy their days off. Be as flexible as you can be allowing people to swap shifts within reason, and make it acceptable to take sick leave for mental health challenges.

Keep communicating – make time to talk to your staff and regularly check-in with them individually and privately. Be transparent with staff about what is going on in the business and be honest with them - for example about reasons why you may need them to take on more work. Mutual trust is the number one factor in creating a positive culture and relationship between manager and staff.

Foster a culture where people can come and talk to you and share their problems inside or outside work. Ask open questions, listen and be respectful and ask them what they need from you, whether that’s more support or training, time-off (for mental or physical health) or sign-posting to professional advice.

Finally, look out for staff who are struggling and ask them what they need. You can’t force them to change or seek help, but be aware that there are lots of resources and sources of support out there for people who are struggling.

If you would like to talk to someone about how to deal with stress, manage your workload, build resilience, and support your team, please get in touch. I offer a free 30 minute coaching session to explore how I can support you. You can email me

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Leadership, Tips & Advice Polly Robinson Leadership, Tips & Advice Polly Robinson

10 Ways to build a happy, engaged and motivated team

Employee Engagement matters because happy staff equal happy customers. It drives higher productivity and ultimately a more successful business. It boosts retention and reduces stress. Paying someone a competitive salary is not enough to ensure that they are engaged, loyal and committed to their job. So what can you do to build an engaged team?

10 Ways to build a happy, engaged and motivated team

When you think about how much of our time is spent at work, it’s only natural that we want to enjoy that time, we want it to be meaningful and have a reason to get out of bed in the morning. No one is going to be committed to a job that is always stressful, boring, monotonous, or where we feel unappreciated. We want to have good relationships with the people we work with, to feel that our work has a purpose, that we are valued and recognised and that our time at work is fun. These are core needs which drive employee engagement. 

Employee Engagement matters because happy staff equal happy customers. It drives higher productivity and ultimately a more successful business. It boosts retention and reduces stress. Paying someone a competitive salary is not enough to ensure that they are engaged, loyal and committed to their job.

What do we mean by employee engagement?

A simple definition of employee engagement is the ‘emotional commitment’ that someone has to their work and the organisation. It’s how emotionally involved and loyal they are to the business, colleagues and customers. That emotional commitment is what drives people to go above and beyond their job description to create a memorable moment of hospitality for your guests.

So what can you do to build an engaged team?

10 Ways to boost engagement

  1. Shared Purpose and Values
    Engagement starts with having a shared purpose, bringing everyone together around the reason you exist. Managers need to connect employees with the mission and vision of the organisation by connecting their work to the bigger picture. Instead of focusing on the day-to-day tasks, highlight how you want to make a difference to your customers and deliver a memorable experience. Do your team know why you are all there? What does your organisation want to be known for, how is your business special and how are you going to achieve that together? If you can communicate the vision with your team, the ‘WHY’, and give them the opportunity to contribute to the ‘HOW’ then you will build commitment. A culture where people have a sense of how they are part of creating something amazing.

  2. Build a Community
    A positive culture is an enigmatic thing. It’s a community which comes together around shared values. Values are how you behave as a business, what you believe in, and how you treat each other and your customers. Define these values and communicate them on a regular basis. Seeking your staff’s contribution to defining values is even better. Values aren’t just a list of words written up in the staff room or handbook, they have to be authentic and demonstrated in everything you do. An employee will feel connected to their job when their personal values align well with the organisation’s values, so when hiring new staff communicate your values and explore if there is a match, and then reinforce them every day.

  3. Positive Relationships
    The number one reason people leave a job is because they don’t get on with their manager. The relationship between a manager and employee is vital, as is fostering good relationships between peers. Managers should communicate with their team regularly, Check in with your staff on a daily basis with a focussed “How are you?” (rather than just a casual greeting) - ask questions and practice active listening. Make time for one-to-ones as well as team meetings. Consider the whole person, ask people what motivates them, and what their passions are to get a sense of how fulfilled people are in their roles.

  4. Trust and Mutual Respect
    In a culture where there is mutual trust and respect, staff trust leaders to make the best decisions and leaders trust staff to do their best work without needing to micromanage. When you give people responsibility and autonomy they are likely to exceed your expectations. Employees who feel comfortable expressing themselves are more engaged, so aim to create an environment where people feel comfortable approaching you with ideas or concerns. Be transparent, honest and consistent as a leader. Respect everyone and treat everyone the same whether they are full or part-time. Deal with conflict in the moment rather than sweeping it under the carpet and letting it fester.

  5. Recognition
    It’s human to want to feel seen, heard and valued. You can work as hard as you can, and be the best you can be, but if you don’t feel seen and heard, you will lose motivation and become disengaged. When we’re busy it is easy to forget to acknowledge people. On a daily basis, encourage people with a simple smile, celebrate success with a high-five, thank people at the end of a shift and highlight positive achievements to the whole team. 

  6. Growth and Development
    People don’t just leave a job for more money - they leave because they’re not challenged, because they’re not learning and because they don’t see an opportunity for career development. We all have a natural curiosity to discover and learn new things. What opportunities do you offer for personal and professional growth and development? How do you support your staff to be the best they can be? This might be skills training for the job or mentoring from a colleague to develop soft skills. It might be giving formal or informal feedback to encourage people to push themselves forward or it could be talking about their future in the business.

  7. Wellbeing
    Plenty has been written about the importance of looking after your staff’s well-being. When people feel stressed or that the balance of their life and work is wrong they become disengaged. Strive to establish the right work-life balance: encourage people to take breaks, monitor overtime and raise a flag if someone is doing too much. Try to set a manageable workload with the right balance of challenge and interest and ensure that they have the right tools, equipment and training for their job. Create an environment where people feel they can talk to someone about any issues they are experiencing in or outside work. Signpost people to additional support if needed.

  8. Flexibility
    Flexibility means giving your staff the opportunity to enjoy their life outside of work as much as possible.
Flexibility on rotas isn’t easy to achieve but be aware of what other commitments people have outside work, whether that’s childcare or studying. Try to provide rotas with as much notice as possible, and avoid last-minute changes so people can plan their time away from work.
It’s estimated that around 30% of hospitality workers leave in the first 90 days because the job isn’t what they expected, so be transparent with new starters about expectations and the reality of the role.

  9.  Fair reward
    A secure income is obviously important to people, not least during this cost of living crisis. The industry has seen higher average pay rises than the national average. But while businesses are under their own financial pressures what else can you do to reward people for their commitment? Do you also offer incentives for higher performance, a benefits scheme (from pensions to perks). Financial bonuses, gifts or a hand-written note for high performance or going above and beyond are all meaningful ways to reward staff.

  10. Fun
    We spend more of our waking hours at work than out of it, so it needs to be fun. Managers should encourage fun and promote a relaxed environment where people can enjoy a laugh together. Social events are a great way to form genuine connections, that may be a staff meal, a casual after-work drink or a more organised staff party.

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