The Crucial Role of Effective Management: Insights from CMI Research

The Crucial Role of Effective Management: Insights from CMI Research

People don’t leave companies, they leave managers. New research from the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) has highlighted the impact that managers have on employee’s motivation, job satisfaction, and their desire to stay with an organisation. A good leader brings people together to drive toward a common goal.

The CMI report Taking Responsibility - Why the UK Needs Better Managers conducted in partnership with YouGov reveals:

  • One in four of the UK workforce holds a management role

  • Only just over a quarter (27%) of employees describe their manager as highly effective.

  • Half (50%) of those who don’t rate their manager say they plan to leave their company in the next Only 34% feel motivated to do a good job.

The significance of effective managers becomes evident when considering the impact on employee loyalty.

  • 72% of workers who rated their managers as effective felt valued and appreciated.

  • Conversely, only 15% of those with ineffective managers felt similarly valued.

Accidental Managers

Managing a team of people is something that we often fall into. We get promoted because of our skill or ability, because we are technically competent and suddenly we are responsible for other people with no support or guidance about how to be a manager.

Good management and leadership practices are linked to improved performance, higher retention rates, the creation of positive work environments (culture), and the achievement of business objectives

The report confirms that many people are ‘Accidental Managers’ promoted just because they are “popular, good at their job, or happen to be available to take charge.”

  • 82% of people who enter management positions have not had any proper management and leadership training.

  • Nearly half, 46% of managers believe colleagues won promotions based on internal relationships and profile, rather than their ability and performance.

The research found a consistent link between managers who had received management training and more effective organisations. Many people surveyed emphasised that without adequate management and leadership development, they lack the confidence to perform their roles and deliver results effectively.

Meanwhile, managers who had received training, said that they ask their team members for feedback, are more comfortable with managing big changes, and are also able to leverage technology to improve efficiency.

In conclusion, the CMI's research shines a spotlight on the pivotal role of effective management in fostering a positive work environment, employee satisfaction, and strategic success. It also highlights the pressing need for comprehensive management and leadership development programmes to equip future leaders with the skills and knowledge required to excel in their roles. It's time to invest in better management practices to shape the future of work.

Why is Management and Leadership Important?

This report demonstrates a clear need for more training not only for new and emerging managers but also for experienced ones. Management is not just a title or a position; it's a set of skills and qualities that can be honed and developed over time. Leadership training plays a pivotal role in shaping individuals into successful leaders. Let's explore what leadership training can achieve.

What is the impact and benefit of management training?

  1. Goal Setting and Vision
    Improves strategic focus by ensuring that everyone is pulling in the same direction. Teaches goal-setting techniques and strategic planning, enabling leaders to inspire their teams with a compelling vision for the future.

  2. Decision-Making and Problem-Solving
    Instills effective decision-making frameworks and problem-solving methodologies, ensuring that leaders can navigate challenges with confidence.

  3. Enhanced Self-awareness
    Leadership training often begins with self-assessment. It encourages individuals to reflect on their strengths, weaknesses, and personal values. When leaders understand themselves better, they can relate to their teams more authentically and make informed decisions.

  4. Reduce Turnover and Boost Retention
    Build a positive community where people feel heard, valued and appreciated. In turn they will be more loyal and committed.

  5. Build a Strong Culture and High-Performing Teams
    Discover insights into team dynamics, motivation techniques, and strategies for building a positive and collaborative work culture.

  6. Increase Productivity and Efficiency
    Improves time management and prioritisation by equipping managers with techniques to maximise productivity, delegate tasks, and focus on what matters most.

  7. Cultivate Emotional Intelligence
    Support managers to be more emotionally intelligent and improve self-awareness, confidence and relationships with others.

  8. Improve Communication Skills
    Equip individuals with the tools and techniques to communicate expectations, give feedback and resolve conflicts. Better communication fosters trust and transparency within the team.

  9. Build Resilience and Adaptability
    Helps leaders to embrace change, stay resilient in the face of setbacks, and lead their teams through uncertainty.

  10. Continuous Improvement
    Fosters a growth mindset, where leaders are open to learning, feedback, and self-improvement.

Polly Robinson is an Executive Coach and Leadership Development Trainer.
She designs and develops bespoke management and leadership training programmes as well as offering some online leadership workshops for anyone to join.