Inspiration and news
The Connected Consumer - Going Online for Inspiration
Today's consumers are constantly connected. The mass adoption of smartphones, tablets and social media result in an always switched-on culture. Food websites have overtaken cookery books as a source of inspiration and we cook along to videos.
What does this mean for food brands?
Today's consumers are constantly connected. The mass adoption of smartphones, tablets and social media result in an always switched-on culture. Online has overtaken cookery books as our primary source of inspiration for what to buy, cook and eat.
For brands it is crucial to understand how consumers are using online anytime and any place and be part of the dialogue. So how are consumers using the web in their kitchens:
1. Online Inspiration
Over half of people say they have searched online for recipes or ideas for what to eat.
Instagram as well as other social media channels inspire people and drive trends - think avocado on toast with nearly half a million tagged posts. One in five Brits have shared a photo of food on social media or with friends in the last month (according to the Waitrose Food & Drink Report 2016)
The impact of bloggers, vloggers and other influencers is significant with 20% saying they would take advice from them about a product - this rises to 34% among the under 35s. Once in the kitchen we turn to YouTube and other video sites to find and follow recipes.
People will follow brands they like on social media and say they will buy a product as a result of seeing a social media post. Brands must engage with all social media channels including creating video content and remember to include direct calls to action to shop now.
- 61% will search a product online in the last month
- 56% searched for recipes
- 45% liked or followed a brand they like
- 22% said they’d buy as a result of seeing a social media post.
- 20% said they’d take advice from vloggers & bloggers rising to 34% month under 35s
Savvy, shopper survey of 1000 UK households April 2017.
Where do we turn to for recipe inspiration?
2 in 5 people say they’re looking to increase their repertoire through trying new recipes. Food website have overtaken cookery books as a source of inspiration - so where do we turn for new recipes:
- Food Websites- 41% (43% of 18-24s but only 29% 55s+)
- Cookery Books 39%
- TV 18%
- Tend to come up with myself 17%
- Food Magazines 15%
- Friends 14%
- Parents 13%
- In store leaflets 13%
- Other family members 11%
- Celeb chefs 10%
YouGov AHDB Consumer Tracker April 2016
Why video matters.
- 23bn view of food videos online in 2015 - 170% rise on 2014. Nearly all on YouTube or Facebook
- 70% share of that audience in 18-34 age range.
Food becomes key ingredient for digital media groups, Financial Times.