Shift Your Perspective

Shift your perspective

Moments of high stress can warp your perception of reality, making you feel like the world is out to get you.

Our brains are hard-wired to sense threat and tend to overreact in stressful situations.

Changing perspective allows us to release thinking patterns that no longer serve us and to see the world through fresh eyes. 

What can you gain from looking at things another way?

Imagine you are a fly on the wall, or a bird in the sky - how would things look from up there?


  • Stop and notice how you feel.

  •  Accept that feeling, don't push it away.

  • Create distance by naming it out loud or writing it down.

  • Change your surroundings.

  • Breathe

  • Ask yourself how much this will matter in a month, what about a year?

  • What are you grateful for?

  • What would your wisest most supportive friend say about this?

  • What's a different way to see it?

  • Now move forward.